Children 1st

15 Forward

Our 15 forward Service helps young people aged 15-16 in Moray to make a successful transition to adult life.

The service supports young people to develop their self esteem and design personal plans to achieve their own goals for independent living. Building on their self confidence, we look at the key areas of employment, training and accommodation.

Our workers provide advice, guidance and emotional support to help them make positive choices about their future. This can include finding and keeping somewhere stable to live, accessing education or training, choosing a career or help with relationships. The young people are encouraged to assess their own difficulties and risks and how they want to have us help them to address these.

The service provides the kind of emotional and practical support that young people need.

Extra Information
15 forward is funded by the Big Lottery Fund.
We accept self referrals or referrals from anyone else concerned about a young person aged 15-16.

Cooper Park

Our local services help children to heal and their families to recover from abusive experiences. From our centre in Elgin, we work with children and families across Moray who have been affected by physical, sexual or emotional abuse.

Children who have been betrayed need to learn to trust again. Our staff use counseling skills, art, play and other forms of creative communication, such as role play, puppets and storytelling to help them understand and cope with their feelings.

We help children to make sense of their experiences and encourage them to develop trusting relationships with safe boundaries in the future.

We also work with mothers who have experienced abuse and who may struggle to keep themselves and their child(ren) safe and healthy. By working with these mothers we can help them get to the point where they feel confident and able to protect their child.

Extra information
Children and families can be referred to the service by other agencies, or can contact the service directly. The service is funded by CHILDREN 1ST, Violence Against Women and Moray Council.

Mediation in Education

It can be a frustrating experience for parents who want their children to have the right level of help for the child to reach their full potential.

Sometimes there is a difference of opinion between the family and the local authority about the level of learning support being provided. In these cases, it can be helpful to involve someone from outside the situation.

Our confidential, voluntary Mediation in Education Service uses a trained, independent mediator to help the family and the local authority understand each others point of view and come to a shared solution.

Mediation gives everyone a chance to have their say. It can result in better understanding and improved relationships. It also helps both sides come to a realistic and fair agreement..

Families have a right to request this service under the Additional Support for Learning Act. The Service is voluntary and confidential.

We welcome self-referrals from families.

To find out more on the services Children 1st provide in Moray then please contact:

83 Whitehouse Loan
Tel: 0131 446 2300
Fax: 0131 446 2339