Talking Therapy

Cross reach
The face-to-face counselling is provided by qualified staff or volunteers, some of whom have received their training through Crossreach courses, all professionally accredited. They are managed and supported by CrossReach staff. Training for volunteers is a vital component of the service that is provided by CrossReach.

Contact Details
0131 657 2000

Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland exists to provide support to people experiencing grief following a death, working primarily through volunteers, providing free care to bereaved people.

Cruse was founded over 50 years ago in Surrey as a support group for widows. Over the years it grew rapidly opening its doors first to widowers and eventually to anyone who was bereaved. Gradually Cruse developed into a volunteer counselling service.  The first branch of Cruse in Scotland opened in the late 1960s and by the mid 90s there were 28 branches north of the border.

Contact Details
National Phoneline:  0845 600 2227

Rape and Abuse Line (RAL)
The Rape and Abuse Line (RAL) is a registered charity.  Our aim is to support survivors of rape and sexual abuse, however long ago their experiences were.  We also offer support to families or partners of the person affected.

We offer a free and confidential support helpline answered by women as well as one answered by men.  We also offer email support on,  free face to face support available either via video conferencing or in person in your area and counselling sessions within a wide range of Highland and Island areas.

Contact Details
Answered by females 0808 8000 123
Answered by males 0808 8000 122